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Urgent Care Gonzales, Louisiana: The Best Care for Your Child

COVID-19 has brought the concern for healthcare front and center. With the potential of school openings and the approach of flu season, giving your child the best healthcare is a big problem.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be! Urgent Care provides quality and accessible medical services all across the country. There is even a local one right in Gonzales, Louisiana! 

Curious if Urgent Care can give you the healthcare you and your child deserve? Let us show you how we can help! 

The Biggest Reasons to Visit Your Urgent Care in Gonzales, Louisiana

Urgent Care offers hospital-quality care with a simple walk-in service. We operate 7 days a week from 9am to 8pm, giving you a solid window to get the proper care. If you have an emergency outside of our usual hours, call 911 as soon as possible.

Curious what kind of services we can provide both you and your child? See for yourself! 

1. Preparing for Flu Season

Flu season approaches and every year marks a time of potential sickness all around us. COVID-19 has only made this worse, so now is the time to have the best flu preparation and care you can get.

Urgent Care provides anti-viral medication to help fight off the flu once you start to feel symptoms. These treatments are quick and easy, letting your child recover as soon as possible. 

2. School Physical Exams

Schools are starting up again. Even if your child’s schooling remains remote, the benefits of a physical exam are still great. These exams help to weed out any issues such as troubles with your heart and lungs or signs of infection in your sinuses. 

Physical exams are also good for adults as well, helping to check for high blood pressure and joint damage. 

3. Proper COVID-19 Protection

COVID-19 is the threat on everyone’s mind and Urgent Care has not forgotten. We offer a variety of tests to check for positive COVID-19 infections and offer a wide range of aid suggestions for combatting the viral menace. 

With Urgent Care, you can keep your child and your whole family safe from COVID-19. 

4. Covering a Wide Range of Injuries

We here at Urgent Care also help with a massive range of other injuries and issues. From ear infections, bladder infections, burns, sprains and fractures, splinters, and even common cuts and bruises, we handle it all!

We have a dedicated lab service to provide EKGs, X-Rays, and other lab work, letting you get the right care you need without constant transfers or additional appointments. 

5. Fast and Easy Quality Care

The best part about Urgent Care? All of these items above are fast and right at your fingertips. Even with a walk-in appointment, our wait times are often well under an hour, letting you pop in and get the care you deserve at any time.

We work with most insurances and offer affordable rates for every budget. 

Growing Up Healthy and Strong

Being a kid can be messy and wild, but with quality healthcare from Urgent Care, it doesn’t have to be full of danger and disease! Keeping your child safe is your priority as a parent and it’s our priority as a healthcare provider as well!

Walk-ins are always welcome but you can also schedule an appointment or even receive our telemedicine care for yourself! Contact us today!