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Stay Healthy During Cold & Flu Season

Stay Healthy During Cold Flu Season 1

As seasons change, so does the risk of catching a cold or the flu. Viruses spread most easily when people spend more time inside with others due to cooler temperatures. But flu season persists through spring, and Coastal Urgent Care is here to help keep you and your family healthy during this time. Here, we share some preventive measures and guidelines for when you should seek out medical care so you can reduce your chances of getting sick and recover faster if illness strikes.

Preventing Cold & Flu

The best way to avoid getting sick is by practicing healthy habits. Here are a few key ways our urgent care recommends you protect yourself and those around you:

1. Get Your Flu Shot

One of the most effective ways to prevent the flu is vaccination. The flu shot helps your immune system fight off the virus and reduces the severity of symptoms if you do get sick. At all of our locations, like Coastal Urgent Care in Baton Rouge, we offer flu shots to help keep you protected for the entirety of flu season.

2. Wash Your Hands Regularly

Frequent handwashing is a simple yet powerful way to prevent the spread of germs. Use soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating, after coughing or sneezing and after touching commonly used surfaces.

3. Boost Your Immune System

A strong immune system helps your body fight off infections. Maintain a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. Stay hydrated, exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep to keep your immune defenses high.

4. Avoid Close Contact with Sick Individuals

Viruses spread quickly in crowded places. If someone around you has cold or flu symptoms, try to maintain distance. If you are sick, stay home to prevent spreading illness to others.

5. Disinfect Frequently Touched Surfaces

Germs can live on surfaces for hours or even days. Regularly clean and disinfect doorknobs, light switches, keyboards and other frequently touched items to minimize the spread of viruses.

Recognizing Cold & Flu Symptoms

While a cold and the flu can share many similar symptoms, the flu tends to be more severe and comes on suddenly. Here’s how to tell the difference:

Common Cold Symptoms:

  • Runny or stuffy nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Sore throat.
  • Mild cough.
  • Low-grade fever (or none at all).

Flu Symptoms:

  • High fever.
  • Chills and body aches.
  • Severe fatigue.
  • Dry cough.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea or vomiting (especially in children).

If you or a family member is experiencing flu symptoms, it’s important to find your closest Coastal Urgent Care location. At our Urgent Care in Baton Rouge, we provide prompt treatment to help you recover quickly.

Stay Healthy & Visit Coastal Urgent Care

Many colds and mild flu cases can be treated at home with rest, hydration and over-the-counter medications. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, visit Coastal Urgent Care for expert medical attention:

  • Persistent high fever (above 102°F).
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
  • Severe dehydration (dry mouth, dizziness, or infrequent urination).
  • Persistent vomiting.
  • Symptoms lasting more than 10 days or worsening over time.

Our teams at Coastal Urgent Care in Baton Rouge and throughout Louisiana are here to provide expert, reliable urgent care treatment when you need it most. Whether you need flu testing, symptom relief or hydration therapy, we’re ready to help.

By taking preventive measures and seeking medical attention when necessary, you can stay ahead of cold and flu season. Our convenient locations and extended hours make receiving the treatment you need easy. Stay healthy this season, and remember if you or a loved one start feeling under the weather, visit a Coastal Urgent Care Louisiana clinic location for trusted urgent care.