“I’m sick. Well, I think I’m sick. Or, am I sick?”
Does that sound like a familiar tune? If so, take the hypochondriac test to see if you suffer from this condition.
The definition of a hypochondriac is a condition where a person feels convinced they suffer from a condition to the point of obsession, without any evidence or solid reasoning. Doctors refer to this person as a hypochondriac.
The hypochondriacal person tends to misinterpret the sensations of normal body changes for illness or disease. This can interfere with relationships, work, and other aspects of everyday life.
Before you visit your local urgent care center again, take a minute to assess your situation. Do you actually need medical attention, or should you wait it out?
If you suspect that you or a loved one may suffer from hypochondria, then take this test. Finding the answers can help you decide if you need to seek treatment for physical disease or for this extreme form of anxiety.
Does every tummy rumble, bone creak, gas pain, and headache make you feel like you are sick, injured, or dying? If so, you may suffer from hypochondria.
Our bodies do strange things. Most of the time, people ignore them, unless something unusual persists and/or creates bigger symptoms.
If you find yourself constantly questioning your body’s sensations or obsessing over something you felt in passing, then you should speak with your physician. You should not lose sleep or live in terror over everyday hiccups.
Some people live with a chronic illness or are prone to getting sick for one reason or another. This does not constitute hypochondria.
But, if you always feel sick, yet the doctor cannot ever find anything wrong, then you might want to look deeper into this condition.
Do heed caution with this though. Just because a doctor cannot figure out a cause does not mean that one does not exist.
Sometimes doctors miss diseases due to lack of details, experience, understanding, or attention to the matter. Some diagnoses trick medical staff and it takes a second or even third opinion to discover the culprit.
However, people suffering from a disease often experience physical symptoms. Hypochondriacs, however, experience more of an emotional response.
Hypochondria symptoms include:
Even if the person is a hypochondriac, do not brush off major pain or bigger symptoms.
Most of the time, people believe in a medical professional’s diagnosis. If you constantly second guess them saying you’re fine or you never believe negative lab tests, then you may be a hypochondriac.
If you do suffer from the condition, then treatment can help. Most people do not know how to stop being a hypochondriac on their own, so exercise patience with a diagnosed loved one.
Often, cognitive behavioral therapy can help hypochondriacs manage their anxiety and look at their health more realistically. In some cases, patients may require anxiety medications to help.
How did you fare with the hypochondriac test? If you answered yes, yes, no, then discuss this matter with your doctor.
Whether or not you suffer from hypochondria, urgent matters can happen. Check out our locations in case you find yourself in real need of medical attention.