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How To Prevent and Treat Outdoor Injuries

There’s nothing like taking some time away from your desk or to get off the couch and exploring the great outdoors. Whether you love to go hiking or you can’t get enough of being at the beach, it’s important to be prepared for anything.

Always bring the appropriate gear for your outdoor activity of choice, like healthy snacks and sunscreen. But, research how to treat outdoor injuries before you go adventuring, too. This can make the difference between a speedy recovery and a dangerous infection.

Keep reading to find out how to prevent such an injury from happening in the first place and how to treat one if it does happen.

Best Practices to Prevent Outdoor Injuries

The best form of treatment for an outdoor injury is prevention. While you can’t necessarily control the conditions around you, you can be smart about how you interact with them.

Explore with Caution

The first thing to do whenever you’re headed for a hike, a camping trip, or anything else is to start your adventure with caution. Keep your eyes open for items that may trip you on a trail or stuff in the water that might be dangerous.

Also, learn the appropriate safety signals for the activity you’re doing.

Use the Buddy System

When it comes to outdoor safety, two is always better than one. Ask a friend or family member if they’d like to join you on your outing, or at least tell them you’re going. This way, you have someone looking out for you whether they’re right next to you or if they’re waiting for your safe return.

Bring Plenty of Water

Another good idea is to bring plenty of water. The great outdoors make you vulnerable to dehydration or fatigue. Not to mention, your water supply will come in handy if you do get injured.

Smart Ways to Treat Outdoor Injuries

Outdoor injuries happen in all sorts of ways. But, once this occurs to you, it’s better to shift focus from how it happened to what you need to do to fix it.

Clean the Wound

If you have an open wound you have to clean it right away. Get your water out and apply it to the affected area with caution. If you have a first-aid kit, look for an antiseptic to get a better clean.

Walk Slow and Steady

More often than not, you should be able to get up and walk after getting an outdoor injury. You may have to limp a little if you hurt a knee or a foot.

Still, the point is to get going and find shelter and support. Walk slowly to preserve your energy and to keep yourself from getting any further injuries.

Call for Help

If you have cell reception, call for help before you get up and walk around. Sometimes, you can have medical assistance come to you instead of you having to go off and find it.

This may be a park ranger or a lifeguard, or it could also be the person you contacted about your adventure beforehand. In extreme situations, call an ambulance before doing anything else.

Do It Yourself vs. Seeing a Professional

There are some outdoor injuries you can treat yourself and others that are better to leave to the professionals. If you’re not sure what to do, always opt to have an experienced medical person take a look instead of relying on your gut.

If you’re in the Bossier City area, contact Coastal Urgent Care to treat outdoor injuries.